

Founder, Ashtanga Yoga | Cranio Sacral



Yoga Teacher

Tesi has been practicing yoga since the age of 16.

Yoga brought her peace, balance and strength during her active time as a professional volleyball player in Austria and in the USA. Theresa learned and practiced the basics of Ashtanga Yoga in Austria. In the USA, she further deepened her practice in Philadelphia. For Tesi, physical fitness and exercise and therefore her daily workout are important and an essential part of her daily life. In addition to yoga, she also practices Pilates and barre (workout on the pole). The knowledge about physicality and training different muscle groups shows in her classes.



Yoga Teacher

Magdalena sedmak guides you openly and gently into your body to find your range of movement. Somatic yoga is characterized through slow, gentle, and flowing movements that unite body and mind through deep conscious breathing to feel yourself in the present moment. The movement can be seen as an art form that gives the fine tuned, sensible, and dark (subconscious) parts in each of us space to breathe. It is an Eastern inspired practice with a medicinal ground; trauma-informed yoga-inspired movement. Somatic Yoga. Soma means „body“ in Greek and „moon“ in Hindu. It is the moon that the qualities of the subconscious are attributed to, that (can be) are expressed through the body. It is these qualities that become noticeable when listening to the body in the present moment is practiced. Daoist and other Philosophies as well as Somatic Experiencing are continuous sources for her way of instructing yoga. The pivoting point(s) are trauma and sensibility; by listening to the body in the present moment.



Yoga Master

Jofi the yoga master on 4 paws. Jofi teaches us mindfulness, unconditional love, irrepressible zest of life, perseverance and patience and that communication can also work without words only through eye contact. His favorite asana is Shavasana. His favorite task is the very warm but unobtrusive welcome of his guests in the yoga studio. He is happy about every single one and would like to show it. Sometimes the joy is so great that he insists on accompanying guests back to the changing room. Once there, he usually withdraws very quickly and discreetly in order to devote himself to the new, arriving guests and to welcome them appropriately. Jofi has a wonderful soul and has become an important, indispensable member of our yoga studio family. He enriches the team in a very special way.